CALLOUT: This afternoon we were called by South Wales Police : Heddlu De Cymru to respond to a lady who needed help due to a leg injury near the Sgwd yr Eira waterfall.
Whilst responding we were also asked to assist another lady from a different group who was having a seizure at the same location.
When on scene a third and fourth incident occurred all within the same area, another suspected ankle injury and someone needing assistance with an existing condition that just needed a little attention from one of our Casualty Carers.
We requested assistance from the other South Wales teams plus due to the escalating nature of the incident we initially asked for support from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency SAR helicopter and also the Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service – EMRTS Wales Air Ambulance. Fortunately once on scene we were able to stand down the helicopter support. Two of casualties were extracted and transported back to the car park with the support from a National Park Warden, who’s assistance throughout was much appreciated and then handed over to the ambulance service for a check over. The others were able to look after themselves without further assistance from us.
We wish them all well and for a speedy recovery.
And of course Happy Father Day!